True Story: "I was the Maid of Honor at my best friends' wedding. It was 10 minutes before she was to appear and we were helping her into her wedding dress-- a beautiful, long flowing princess-style gown. As I was zipping her up, the entire zipper came apart in my hands. I froze in horror--now what do we do? Luckily, one of the other bridesmaids had an emergency sewing kit and we quickly sewed the dress together!"
No matter how well your wedding is planned, the unexpected will happen, that is part of the adventure of getting married. So when you are imagining your day, don't forget to consider the small emergencies and prepare for them. Below are suggestions from bridesmaids on what to include in your bridal purse emergency kit.
1. Sewing Kits: As we can see from experience, sewing kits are an absolute must. Make sure to include several good needles, a spool of thread to match the bridal gown, one to match the bridesmaids gown, and one to match the groomsmen's attire.
2. Nail Kits: Broken or chipped nails are not in themselves a tragedy but they can be distracting. Include a nail file, nail glue and matching polish for those all too frequent accidents.
3. Pain Killers, etc.: Make sure you know what the bride and your fellow bridesmaids take for tension headaches or upset stomachs and have them on hand. Also, eye drops and breath mints are useful. In one wedding a bridesmaid accidently sprayed hair spray right into the brides' eye. Luckily, someone had eye drops with them which soothed the irritation and removed the red.
4. Odds and Ends: Brain storm with your bridesmaids what other items you want to include that would help you all feel that most emergencies are covered. This could range from scotch tape (ideal for fixing a small tear or unravelling hem) to stain remover and white cloth, bobby pins, hair spray, scissors and of course, the all important kleenex.
You never really know what surprises your wedding day has in store for you. But with a little foresight, and one or more bridal purses packed with practical supplies, you can handle the unforeseen with ease and a minimum for stress.
No matter how well your wedding is planned, the unexpected will happen, that is part of the adventure of getting married. So when you are imagining your day, don't forget to consider the small emergencies and prepare for them. Below are suggestions from bridesmaids on what to include in your bridal purse emergency kit.
1. Sewing Kits: As we can see from experience, sewing kits are an absolute must. Make sure to include several good needles, a spool of thread to match the bridal gown, one to match the bridesmaids gown, and one to match the groomsmen's attire.
2. Nail Kits: Broken or chipped nails are not in themselves a tragedy but they can be distracting. Include a nail file, nail glue and matching polish for those all too frequent accidents.
3. Pain Killers, etc.: Make sure you know what the bride and your fellow bridesmaids take for tension headaches or upset stomachs and have them on hand. Also, eye drops and breath mints are useful. In one wedding a bridesmaid accidently sprayed hair spray right into the brides' eye. Luckily, someone had eye drops with them which soothed the irritation and removed the red.
4. Odds and Ends: Brain storm with your bridesmaids what other items you want to include that would help you all feel that most emergencies are covered. This could range from scotch tape (ideal for fixing a small tear or unravelling hem) to stain remover and white cloth, bobby pins, hair spray, scissors and of course, the all important kleenex.
You never really know what surprises your wedding day has in store for you. But with a little foresight, and one or more bridal purses packed with practical supplies, you can handle the unforeseen with ease and a minimum for stress.
Bridal Purses - Essential Wedding Day Emergency Kits

Reviewed by Delet
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Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5